Male Pattern Baldness or Hairloss

Male Pattern Baldness or Hairloss
Doctors believe Male Pattern Hairloss is due to heredity and is dependent on hormonal effects. Doctors refer to this type of balding as Androgenetic Alopecia. Mild to severe male pattern hair loss affects 80 percent of men. It has been found that men with male pattern hair loss have increased levels of dihydro-testosterone (DHT) in their balding scalps. Scientists believe these increased levels of DHT affect the growth cycle, contributing to the thinning of the hair on the scalp. Propesia works by blocking the formation of DHT.

Propesia and Hair Loss
Propesia (generic name Finasteride), the first and only pill to treat Androgenetic Alopecia, was developed to treat Male Pattern Hairloss in the vertex (top of head) and anterior mid-scalp area. Propesia is proven to maintain or increase hair count in most men.

What type of results should be expected from Propesia?
Propesia (Finasteride) begins to block the formation of DHT immediately. However, because hair grows slowly, visible results from Propesia take some time. Most men may begin to see the first benefit of Propesia-slowing hair loss- as early as 3 months. In clinical studies, it was not just 'peach fuzz' but real hair growth on both vertex and anterior mid-scalp area. Propesia must be continued to maintain any beneficial results. If you cease treatment, any hair you have gained is likely to be lost within 12 months.

Possible Side Effects of Propesia
Less than 2% of men experience certain side effects. These include:
* Decreased libido (desire for sex).
* Difficulty achieving an erection.
* Decrease amount of semen.

Studies have suggested that men taking a Placebo (a drug with no active ingredient) indicate the same proportion of decreased libido so it is questionable as to what the actual cause is. Side effects are reversible once treatment has ceased, effects appear to decrease within a couple of months while continuing treatment for Male Pattern Hairloss (Androgenetic Alopecia).

Propesia is a MEN ONLY treatment for hair loss, women are strongly advised not to take or come in contact with Propesia. Propesia may cause abnormalities of the baby's sex organs, a condition known as Hypospasdias.

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