Basic Facts About Generic Propesia (Finasteride)

Basic Facts About Generic Propesia (Finasteride)

Generic Propesia, with the generic name of Finasteride, essentially prevents the process of converting testosterone into DHT or dihydrotestosterone in the body of a male.

This drug is indicated for the use on treating male pattern baldness on the anterior mid-scalp and vertex areas. Hair loss is a very common condition, which causes the thinning of scalp hair. Usually, this would eventually result in receding hairlines as well as balding on the top portion of the head. Generic Propesia is intended for male use and must not be used as a hair loss treatment by women or by children.

How Generic Propesia (Finasteride) Works

Generic Propesia basically contains an active ingredient Finasteride that is under a class of medication that is known as type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. It works by preventing testosterone conversion into DHT or dihydrotestosterone, which is the stronger sex hormone. DHT, as a hormone, is essentially formed on the scalp as testosterone reacts with the type II 5-alpha reductase enzyme. The sex hormone which is created would get in the hair follicles, damaging and shrinking them and ultimately preventing visible hair from growing. Generic Propesia helps by inhibiting this process and decreasing DHT in the scalp and blood stream of the individual, resulting into a reversal of the whole balding process.

This particular treatment may be orally taken once daily and has to be taken as long as the effects are desired. Visible results could be expected in 3 months from the time the treatment was started. Some effects would include the slowing down as well as the prevention of hair loss. In 6 to 12 months, hair can possibly grow again and in 5 years, the individual may have a head full of hair, but this is dependent on how the individual reacts to the treatment.

Effectiveness of Generic Propesia For You

Generic Propesia has actually been proven to work effectively in almost 99% of those men who were suffering from male pattern baldness or hair loss. Of these men, 2 out of 3 would be able to experience hair growth with most of the remaining patients preventing further hair loss successfully.

Dosage for Generic Propesia (Finasteride)

Recommended dosage for Generic Propesia would be 1 milligram once daily to be taken orally. This drug could be taken with or without meals.

Generally, the use of Generic Propesia daily in a period of three months or even more may be necessary before visible effects or benefits are observed. Further and continued use may be recommended so that benefits would be sustained and must be periodically re-evaluated. Once treatment is stopped, it may lead to the reversal of the effects in 12 months.
Side Effects of Generic Propesia (Finasteride)

Similar to other prescription drugs, Generic Propesia may possible cause some side effects. In some clinical studies done, the side effects that resulted from the intake of Generic Propesia were generally uncommon and were not seen in majority of the men. However, there were some men who had some sexual side effects including decreased sexual desire and less semen. These particular side effects were seen in less than just 2% of the men and went away eventually in those who stopped taking Generic Propesia and even those who continued the use of the drug.

The more common side effects included some allergic reactions such as itching, rashes, hives, as well as swelling of the face and lips, some ejaculation problems, breast enlargement and tenderness and testicular pain.

Generic Propesia Storage

Generic Propesia must always be kept inside room temperature which is about 77 degrees F or 25 degrees C and should be stored in a tightly-sealed vessek, away from humidity and the reach of children.

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